Master the seven power moves to detox your job, say good-bye to drama, and accelerate your career.

This workshop is designed to make you immune from the BS at work and eliminate you as the target of toxic coworkers while accelerating your career.

If you’re ready to take control of your career without the stress or overwhelm of nasty office politics, this is for you.

By the end of the workshop you'll have:

You probably avoid office politics because they feel either icky or complicated (or in most cases, both). Especially when you know other people have the upperhand.

Unless you’re Chad, you probably weren’t raised to be politically savvy at work. Instead you were taught to work hard, and if you achieved enough you would be rewarded with career advancement, bigger paychecks and recognition at work. Instead Chad’s getting promoted - by taking credit for your hard work.

Dealing with humans is hard. There are millions of different situations you can find yourself in - knowing what to do in each seems impossible.

But it doesn’t have to be.

In this workshop you’ll get everything you need to navigate office politics like a pro.

The rapid mindset upgrade that will make playing (and winning) the game more natural as stress cleaning.

The simple strategy that will help you escape dirty office politics (and prevent you from being dragged into them in the first place)

The seven political power moves that make mastering the game easier than ordering an Uber.

"The workshop is liquid gold."

- live workshop attendee

Never be a target again.

You’ve tried to ignore office politics. You’ve tried to avoid them. But instead of a drama-free existence at work where you get the pay, promotions and praise you want, you’ve found yourself

❌ Sabotaged by your boss so they don’t lose you (or take their job)

❌ Undermined and embarrassed by toxic coworkers

❌ The target of nasty office gossip, rumors, and speculation

tldr: not knowing how to navigate them has put you in the center of the dirtiest office politics - and made you a target.

Leaving you in reactive mode, leaving you stressed, struggling and stagnating.

Power Move Mindset

We will begin by unpackomg your aversion to office politics and debunking any beliefs that will hold you back from engaging powerfully. You will get clear on how you want to show up, play the game, and change the game.

Diffusing Drama

This one is for anyone who has been in a bad situation at work. You’ll learn how to respond, minimize harm to your reputation, and neutralize conflict.

Seven Power Moves

Learn the seven simple yet incredibly powerful moves you can make to establish authority, influence, and immunity from malicious office politics.

Bonus Workshop: Power Players + Q&A

To celebrate the launch, we're amping this up with a bonus workshop and Q&A call. In this bonus workshop, you'll learn how to read any room (and anyone), and receive dedicated time for Jennifer to answer your questions to uplevel your power moves at work.

What Attendees Are Saying...

"The workshop was great and very relevant to what I need RIGHT now for my career!! So grateful to have attended this! <3"

"This is the course that I would have wanted to take in school, prior to starting my career!"

This workshop series is valued at +$397

but if you enroll today you'll get the bonus and the special launch price that's so incredible I can't even write it here because it will book out too fast!


When is the workshop?

The Power Moves Mastery Workshop is now available on demand! When you enroll you get immediate access to the workshop, guidebook, and bonuses!

How long will I have access for?

Forever and ever. When you enroll, you will get access to the workshop, including any updates, as long as I’m running this thang.

How much time will it take to complete?

The workshop itself is 90 minutes. The time you take to review materials, plot, and integrate is up to you. The bonus workshop and Q&A is 3.5 hours.

Will this work for me?

Humans are human regardless of their industry, location, etc. The strategies I developed are grounded in psychology. Of course, you’re one of those humans, and part of the curriculum is defining how you show up and adapting the power moves to feel positive, authentic, and organic.